Our Customers have said…
“Mayflower Communications has consistently performed in a superior fashion throughout the program in aspects of GPS and INS related systems. The future cost savings to NASA is tremendous and will greatly enhance NASA’s ability to perform complex missions in the future.”
“Mayflower consistently demonstrates superior knowledge in all aspects of GPS. The principal investigator, Dr. Triveni Upadhyay, (who is also President of Mayflower) and his supporting staff of engineers have throughout the program provided innovative ideas, expert analysis and thoughtful regard to detail.”
“I was particularly impressed by Mayflower’s successful execution of the very important and critical task of fully validating the SARPs through detailed computer modeling of the AMSS. Mayflower consistently demonstrated superior knowledge of satellite communication systems architecture and protocols and their applicability to the FAA Air Traffic Control requirements.”

Air Combat Command

Air Force 746th Test Squadron

Air Force Phillips Laboratory

Air Force Research Laboratory

Air Force Space Command

Air Force Space Flight Test Center

Army Aviation & Missile Systems Command



BAE Systems

Department of Transportation

Direct Reporting Program Manager, Positioning, Navigation and Timing

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Global Positioning Systems Directorate


Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Joint Services


Lockheed Martin

Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)


Naval Air Warfare Center

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

Office of Naval Research (ONR) & Naval Research Laboratory

Program Executive Office Ammunition

Program Executive Office Aviation

Program Executive Office Command Control Communications – Tactical


Sierra Nevada Corporation

Space & Missile Systems Center

Space and Naval Warfare System Command (SPAWAR)


US Air Force

US Army

US Navy

Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Mayflower Communications
- 11 Oak Park Drive
- Bedford, MA 01730
- (781) 359-9500
- (781) 359-9744
- info@mayflowercom.com